Tuesday, January 28, 2020

AP Literature and Composition level Essay Example for Free

AP Literature and Composition level Essay  ¡Cruza la frontera ya!There is a serious circumstance that is troubling America: the inability of we Americans to accept our Hispanic counterparts. This is no forgivable matter; it is surrounding our country. Sure they illegally cross the border but is there really a difference between the America-Mexico border and the Texas-New Mexico border? I didnt think so. These citizens who come to America benefit us in so ways; many of which we have never even began to consider. When our Hispanic friends enter the United States they bring with them a whole new culture. These contacts to Hispanic history teach us Spanish. I plan on getting a minor degree in Spanish when I go to college but at this rate I will know the language before I even graduate high school. Not only are we exposed to Spanish but also Hispanic foods. Where would the country, and especially Roanoke Rapids, be without Mexican food? Think people. Chimichangas are the fuels to our minds and they give the sewage companies business. All those clogged septic tanks. The food, which Hispanic Americans bring to this country, creates jobs and by the way this economy is going we are going to need as many jobs as possible. While we are speaking of jobs, let us address the role of Hispanics in the workplace. The entire reason that they cross the border is to pursue a better life. So let them. Allow these border hoppers to take your job or even give them a job. If you own a farm, migrant workers are the new slaves. They are cheap laborers but be sure to buy them as soon as you seem them because they will be gone in a split second. Even if they cannot become a farmhand they can have our jobs. If all of our jobs are taken then we can all sit at home for the rest of our lives, be placed on welfare or unemployment, smoke the tobacco that they plucked for our cigarettes, and live off of the corn that was picked last month from Farmer Joes field. Doesnt that sound like an amazing life? They can even do our handy work. If you need a new coffee table do not go to Sears and spend $50 on a new table let the Hispanic man across the street build you one; hell do if for free. Even if you havent cleaned your house in five months, ask the Hispanic lady who lives on the corner to clean it. She wont charge a fee either. As long as you do not inform the government about the illegal status of your  Hispanic neighbors they will perform any household task that you ask for them to do. It is by far the fairest exchange that happens in the United States. Another exchange happens on every street corner in the part of town you are scared to visit. These immigrants deal the drugs that our young adults would be dealing. Let them sell the drugs instead of our youth, this keeps the American children innocent of drug dealing matters. With our kids getting arrested in fifth grade for bringing marijuana to school, we need some other culture to take over. The charges for dealing drugs are much higher than what we would receive for taking the drugs. Smuggling has always been seen as a problem, but why? They are bringing more drugs for us to use. Without Hispanic drug smugglers the drug count in the United States would be half as small. Consent to their American livelihoods so that our children are safe, from being arrested. Let us look at the other silly laws that are broken by the illegals. Many of our migrants choose to acquire fake Social Security cards. These cards will permit them to receive the same benefits that we are allotted to when we retire. Hey, if we live at home on welfare for the rest of our lives they can receive the Social Security that will deplete in a few years anyway. Their increasing number will probably cause it to drain much sooner at any rate. Driving without a license is also a problem many conservative Americans face with immigration. I cannot see why. The immigrants are so careful not to wreck because they cant be seen without a green card or they will get deported. So naturally, they would be some of the safest drivers in the US of A. Get close to their bumpers and trail behind them. But dont follow them into the bad part of town; you might get confused for a dealer. The presence of these immigrants and their drugs will benefit the government officials. Many more police jobs will be created in order to keep up with the constantly growing migrant number. Police will patrol nightly searching for Hispanic people who are jumping fences; this is considered to be a sign of a true border crosser. Many Americans should feel safer because there will be nightly patrols and true criminals would be caught in the process. By this point I hope you understand how important Hispanic immigrants are to our American existence. We rely on them for much more than you realize. They also save us from many hassles. Soon police will begin to over look all immigrants and so should you. Allow them to take our jobs, plow our fields, sell our drugs, and even deplete our Social Security. The country will be nothing but immigrants and the few true born Americans that are left standing will become the minority. These Hispanic crossers will make Americans feel much safer. Our real criminals are caught and our children are saved from dealing drugs. All this is caused by a few Mexican men who decided to try to cross the America-Mexico border. Their success allowed many other Hispanics to flee to the United States in order to save Americans from ourselves. We should be so grateful of the many sacrifices which Hispanics allow us to create to give them our American Dream

Monday, January 20, 2020

the Problem Of Place In America And my Neighborhood: The Breakdown :: essays research papers

"The Problem of Place in America" and "My Neighborhood": The Breakdown of Community WR 121 Paper #2 In Ray Oldenburg's "The Problem of Place in America" and Ishmael Reed's "My Neighborhood" the authors express thier dissatisfaction with the community. Oldenburg focuses on the lack of a "third place" and the effects of consumerism on the suburbs, while Reed recalls his experience with prejudice communities. Their aim is to identify problems in our society that they find to be a problem. Although neither of these authors offer solutions, the fact that these problems are addressed is enough. Some basic similarities between these two authors is they are both attempting to identify problems in our society today. There are many that are ailing our society at this time, yet I agree with them in their deductions. It seems that they have addressed two of the main ills today, prejudice and consumerism. These keep our communities from becoming unified. Fear is one of the prevalent themes in both essays. In Oldenburg's essay the suburbanite fears the unknown, his neighbors. People feel threatened by the size of the communities and they do not know anyone. These is due partly to consumerism, which keeps people indoors. Reed was feared because of the color of his skin. Dogs would bark at him as he walked by, cops would enter his own home to harass him, people would yell racial slurs, and he was even watched closely to make sure that he did not abduct a child off the street. These fears are a result of the media and our society telling us to fear certain types of people. Television often portrays the black man as a dope dealing slander who hangs out on corners with a forty of "Old E." Soon people begin to believe all that they hear and begin to discriminate against others. One glaring difference in the two authors essays is that they both address the same problem yet they touch on differing aspects. Oldenburg talks about the deterioration of the suburbs. One reason is that there is no third place. This is where we come to grips with our lives, relax, and reflect. This could be a community center, a secluded spot in the woods, or a coffee shop at the corner. The problem is that these places simply do not exist in the suburbs. One must get in their car, use gas, and drive to a place of meeting. This means planning out the whole rendezvous point in advance and making sure that the person you want to meet can be there. Consumerism also keeps the community

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Report on Multi User Operating Systems Essay

Resources Sharing – Concepts of Resource Sharing A multi user operating system can support more that one user at a time, this means that multiple users can share the same system resources simultaneously. The users of a multi user operating system can share both hardware and software resources, the operating system carries out complicated routines to manage all the processes that the users are running. – List of shared resources: – * Hardware CPU Power, RAM, Hard drive, Peripherals (printer, Scanner, CD ROM) Other peripherals may be made available in a MUOS for users who require them (Floppy disk drive, Speakers, Head Phones, Video Cameras etc.) * Software – Scheduler Software (needed to manage and prioritise tasks). – Batch Job Some processes take a long time to complete and can often disturb other computer tasks that are important. A Batch Job is a file that does not require any user interaction, so it is set up to run a number of processes at a later time, often late at night. One example is overnight maintenance at a bank when they update all the accounts so it will not disrupt the other processes during the day. Multi-Tasking – Concepts of multi-tasking Multi tasking is when the operating system switches between tasks at a very high speed, it can sometimes seem as though it is performing more than one task at a time. For example, a user could be printing and typing at the same time, and listening to a CD. Many users can access the same resources at (what appears to be) the same time. One disadvantage of this is that it requires a great deal of memory and the processes may run slower. The two types of multi-tasking are co-operative and pre-emptive: * Pre-emptive – This is when the applications are forced to give up the CPU after a certain length of time so that the other processes get an equal share of CPU time. (time-sliced). * Co-operative multi-tasking is when it is the current running tasks responsibility to share the CPU to the other processes. One task must finish before the other starts. It is called Co-operative because all the tasks must co-operate for this type of processing to work and there is no time limit on each task. (Round Robin). – Advantages / Disadvantages An advantage of Pre-emptive multi-tasking is that some important tasks may be allocated a more time slices so it will not be stalled by other smaller tasks. A disadvantage of both types of multi-tasking is that it requires a large amount of memory to work properly. Background Processing – Concepts of background / foreground processing When a task will require a long time to process and requires no user input e.g. downloading a large file from the internet, it can be processed later when the computer is not processing other tasks. Background processing is often used in banks and businesses to process the customer’s accounts at the end of each day, the operating system can be left to run the process overnight or when the CPU is not currently being used by a task that requires a great deal of processing. – Unix command to run background processing Control-Z = Leave process running in background bg = Continue process at background Control-C = move foreground process to background Fg = move the process to foreground – Example of a background process If you need to run a large print job, e.g. printing out one hundred copies of a Workbook for a group of students, it can be set as a background process and will only use CPU power when other tasks are not running. Types of Multi-User Operating System Multi-Processor – More than one CPU Multi user operating systems can sometimes have more that one processor. In some expensive operating systems it is possible to connect more CPUs to the system and have them work together to execute tasks. Multiprocessing can significantly reduce the time taken to execute each process. An operating system with multiple processors can perform different tasks separately or a task can be split up and processed by different CPUs. – Advantages / Disadvantages An advantage is that multi processing systems can be very speedy at completing tasks. A disadvantage is that this type of system is very expensive. Time-Sliced As multi user operating systems share resources, different processes can require different amounts of time. It is possible and to interrupt a large process so that a smaller process to be completed. If you were using a time slicing system then the processor will switch between processes at timed intervals (Pre-emptive). The amount of time allocated to each process is called a time slice. The length of time given for each time-slice is allocated by a program called a scheduler. – An advantage is that larger or more important processes may be given more time slices than a smaller task so it can be completed, however this could also be a disadvantage if there are many users executing smaller tasks as they will take longer to be finished. Distributed The distributed system is where a number of systems are connected through a Local Area Network. This can be more powerful than a single processor system and it is capable of online sharing. Hardware Components Processor – The CPU is the brain of the operating system. It responds to and processes and instructions that control the computer. The control unit in a CPU controls everything which happens within, the ALU does calculations and is responsible for decision making and the accumulator stores the last data that was decoded for future processes. There are various registers within the CPU, they are the instruction register, which holds the instruction that is being decoded, the program counter stores what part of the program we have reached, the memory address register points to the location where data is being fetched or written and the memory data register is a storage area for data that is currently being transferred between the memory and the CPU. – The Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle has three important stages. * FETCH – The CPU collects an instruction from the RAM * DECODE – The control unit figures out what to do with it. * EXECUTE – The instruction is carried out – The speed of an FDE cycle depends on how fast the processor is (the length of time it takes for the signals to be sent to the control bus, and how many T-cycles each assembly instruction takes to execute. Memory Random Access Memory is sometimes known as ‘main memory’. RAM is volatile, which means it loses all the stored information when the power is cut off. Some computers also use virtual memory, which is stored in the hard drive but acts like RAM, this is much slower than physical memory. Another type of memory is Read Only Memory (ROM) which can be written to but cannot be erased. Data Storage Devices – Floppy disk – can be written to and erased, 1.44Mb – CD ROM – Can be written to but not erased, 700Mb – Hard Drive – stores many Gigabytes, can be written to and erased – Zip Drive – can be written to and erased, 100 – 250Mb Terminals – Dumb Terminal – A dumb terminal has no processing capabilities as they have no memory or processor of their own, it has only a monitor, keyboard and mouse. They are connected to a central processor. – Intelligent Terminal – An intelligent terminal contains memory and a CPU and is a standalone device. It only has to connect to the central processor when needed. – Command to find terminal type – terminfo Input / Output Devices Dumb Terminal – Input – keyboard and mouse. – Output – monitor Intelligent Terminal – Input – keyboard, mouse, scanner, touch screen. – Output – monitor, printer, speakers Software Components Kernel The Kernel is the heart of the operating system, the lowest level or the central part. Communication with the hardware is through the kernel. In multi user operating systems it is the kernel’s job to keep each process and user separate and to organize access to the system hardware, including CPU, memory, disk and other I/O devices. Device Handlers A device is any piece if hardware that is used in an operating system. A device handler is a piece of software within the operating system that communicates with the devices and tells them what to do. This is part of the operating system that is responsible for servicing requests of the device request queue. Spoolers (Simultaneous peripheral operations on-line) Spooling is used when data is waiting to go to an output device after it has been processed. The data is placed into a queue so that the CPU can process something else instead of having to slow down to the speed of the output device. Spoolers are used on mainly old devices e.g. old printers that can only handle one job at a time User Interface This is how the user can view the data within the operating system. The main types of user interfaces are; the graphical user interface e.g. Windows and Command driven interface e.g. MS DOS and standard UNIX. The CDI was more complicated to use than a GUI as you would have to know certain commands to do very basic tasks. Bibliography Index http://physinfo.ulb.ac.be/cit_courseware/opsys/ostart.htm http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/operating-system1.htm http://physinfo.ulb.ac.be/cit_courseware/opsys/ostart.htm http://www.canberra.edu.au/~sam/whp/unix-cmd.html http://cm.bell-labs.com/